domingo, 20 de julio de 2014

Hot artist David T. Cabrera: Take note, editors: he appears to be rather fast with a pencil, too

Otra nueva entrevista sobre el trabajo de David T. Cabrera en Dynamite que se puede leer aquí. La entrevista se realizó a Brandon Jerwa, escritor de la serie. tiene hasta un comentario para editores. Y eso me ha hecho mucha gracia.

BB: Will the great fashions of the era, as well as the wonderfully cheesy sound effects and slo-mo be a part of this book as they are with Steve Austin’s book?
BJ: I don’t want the fashions to be distracting for the reading experience, but David Cabrera’s been doing a great job of giving a strong sense of the late-70s-early-80s era in his art, but not going completely overboard. The “DE-NE-NE-NE-NE” sound effects are an integral part of the book, but I’m not quite sure how to address the issue of slo-mo action. I guess maybe you could try reading the action scenes at half-speed
BB: Are you a fan of David T. Cabrera’s art? How is he doing, translating TV “reality” into the comic book realm, not an easy task?
BJ: David’s great! I don’t know him personally, and we haven’t had much direct interaction, but I’d happily work with him again. He’s got a nice, clean style, and he clearly – *gasp* – reads the scripts before he draws them. Take note, editors: he appears to be rather fast with a pencil, too.

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