miércoles, 12 de octubre de 2016

El "Breaking Into Comics the Marvel Way" de este año.

Como podéis leer aquí, Marvel hizo este año en la NYCC una charla de  "Breaking Into Comics the Marvel Way". De los consejos mas interesantes podemos hablar el de Charles Soule, que dijo 

Soule talked about two different approaches – “hunting versus fishing”. Hunters “target people aggressively who you think can help you –this can work in that creators do get to know your name – but often it is in a negative way”
Fishing is where you make casual contact with creators and editors – they get to know your name and your work and over time might consider you for work.
Y el de las redes sociales: The panelists also said when artists are posting their work on Facebook they should not tag the names of pros who they want to see their work to those shots. Cebulski talked about how his mom is on Facebook and he isn’t wild about her contacting him about “racy photos of Catwoman” tagged with his name.
Soule advised people to be careful about their social media profile – “don’t be negative about everything” as editors can check that stuff out.
Cebulski agreed and advised people to use their real name on their work “I am much more likely to look at that then something from DarkElf1624”

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