lunes, 31 de agosto de 2009

Noticias USA! Disney compra Marvel.

CUATRO, he dicho cuatro, BILLONES de Dólares se ha gastado Disney para comprar Marvel. La impresionante cifra es increíble. En twitter ha sido una revolución. Todo el mundo dice tonterías o cosas muy importantes para los futuros artistas.

Rich Johnston ha dicho: "If I get called on, what should I ask? I'm thinking "what about Boom"

Derek Ruiz pide: "Howard the Duck Vs Donald Duck make it happen" o "Pixar FF movie please"

JoeQuesada se saludado en con estas frases "G' morning, Marvel U! Welcome to this moment in history. Everyone relax, this is incredible news and all is well in the Marvel U." o "It feels like Christmas morning."

C.B. Cebulski (el señor de la cerveza en la mano) nos tranquiliza diciendo: "Not much more I can say right now. More info coming soon. We're told it's like when Disney bought Pixar... everything Marvel stays as is." o "If any Marvel freelancers here have immediate questions regarding the Marvel/Disney merger, feel free to call me or David Bogart.


Actualización 1

Twitter ha explotado, esta fallando literalmente por la cantidad de gente que se ha conectado para decir la suya:

Kevin Smith ha dicho: First Disney/Marvel collaboration: Hannah Montana refuses to reveal secret identity, goes to war with Iron Man.

Y Ben Abernathy, editor de la distinguida competencia dice: "I wonder if Disney regrets licensing out the PIXAR stuff to Boom, now..."

Y C.B Cebulski ha dicho cositas como "This is all very new to us, folks. We have answers to general questions for now. Nothing specific yet though." o "And to think I was supposed to be spending today getting caught up on e-mails from last week. >sigh<" o "From all I've heard up here these past three hours, Disney merging with Marvel is a VERY GOOD thing for us. Very positive about it all!"

Lo de Kevin Smith ha sido la bomba. Todo una Guerra Civil jajajaja

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